
Paulista Football Fed’s ‘Scoreboard For Change’ Highlights Wage Disparity #Placarpelamudança


The #PlacarPelaMudança (#ScoreboardForChange) initiative, developed for the Paulista Football Federation and UN Women by advertising agency BETC São Paulo, leveraged the 2019 Women’s Paulista Championship by using the scoreboard to call attention to the wage gap.


The initiative emerged from research from the IBGE which found that in Brazil women’s salaries are on average 20.5% lower than men’s and the rights-holder and agency brought the discrepancy to the attention of thousands of spectators who watched the final match of the 2019 Women’s Paulista Championship.


The game was broadcast live on 16 November on FPF TV, the official TV station of the tournament organiser Paulista Football Federation.


The creative approach to highlight the issue took place in-game on the on-screen and in-stadium scoreboards which subtracting 20% from the value of each goal scored.


Thus, at different times in the game, the score on the FPF TV broadcast showed 0.8 instead of 1, or 1.6 instead of 2.



Narrator Camilla Garcia, sportscasters Nathalia Ferrão and Juliana Santos, and reporters Mari Pereira and Marilia Galvão also took part in the campaign and explained the campaign to the viewers by bringing up the topic and encouraging people to join the discussion on Facebook.


“We are fighting not only for the recognition of women’s football in our country, but also for gender equality, so that women’s participation and importance in the workforce is properly recognized, including when it comes to wages,” said BETC São Paulo Executive Creative Director Andrea Siqueira.


“Our idea was to make each goal on the scoreboard reflect women’s wages as compared to men’s, in order to shine a spotlight on the issue and call attention to the wage gap,” adds Milena Cabral, member of the creative team.


The campaign was created by agency BETC São Paulo for UN Women and Paulista Football Federation by a team that included CCO Erh Ray, Executive Creative Director Andrea Siqueira, Creative Directors Gabriel Sotero and Murilo Mello, with creatives Camila Alves, Diego Canhisares, James Döring and Milena Cabral, plus Brands & Businesses Manager Giovana Degen and Strategists Agatha Kim and Karina Silva.




This is yet another admirable and imaginative South American football initiative addressing a real social challenge.


As for the match itself, Corinthians beat São Paulo three-nil in the game held at Arena Corinthians and became the new champion.





Paulista Football Federation







BETC São Paulo



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