To coincide with Easter, April saw Cadbury launch a mobile app to support its Crème Egg Spots v Stripes Olympic activity. The app is part of the ‘Goo Dares Wins’ campaign designed to encourage consumers to take part in a game of dare as part of its ongoing Olympic activation activity.
The app was created by CMW and was designed to encourage consumers to take part in games to claim points for their team. This Crème Egg sub-campaign saw the iconic Easter treat become the first Cadbury brand to launch activity within the umbrella Spots v Stripes Olympic campaign. But activity will roll out across the Cadbury portfolio in the coming months – including work from Crunchie, Twirl and Dairy Milk are expected to follow in the coming months.
Activity from the Tier Two 2012 sponsor has drawn criticism for not engaging the public but the Kraft-owned confectioner maintains that Spots v Stripes has had a positive impact on the brand. Indeed, Cadbury points to independent research from Hall & Partners showing it has moved into the top 4% of UK brands in terms of engagement since the launch of Spots v Stripes. Previously it was only in the top 12%.
It also claims that the launch of its Challenge Bar, the first new product in support of the Olympic sponsorship, is its second most successful product launch since the relaunch of Wispa in 2007. It claims The Challenge Bar has sold 13 million units compared to Wispa, which sold 16 million.
Spots v Stripes is one of the more interesting interactive and multifaceted contemporary gaming campaigns is Cadbury’s activation of its rights as the Official Treat Provider of London 2012.
The initiative has been raising awareness of the brand’s official role two years before the games and the campaign has been steadily ramping up as it involves more and more people in its fun and games initiative. From its universities, village fetes and sports club launch, to a flagship event in London’s Trafalgar Square to its ever expanding digital presence across the internet, microsites, virals and social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, Cadbury is getting people involved in competition up and down the UK.
The campaign followed on from Cadbury research which found around 30% of UK adults claim not to have time to play games and yet 68% believed in the importance of finding time to play games.
Focusing on the feel-good factor associated with playing games the activation is designed to encourage enjoyable participation in games/sport across all age ranges. Mass participation is the aim and the work revolves around fun rather than elite sports performance. It’s about the ethos and feelings behind the Olympics rather than world class achievement.
The campaign may initially sound complicated, but it is really quite simple: pick a team (spots or stripes) and play a game (Custard Cricket or Balloon Bellyflop perhaps) and log your scores online.
After rumours that the brand was rethinking its much discussed London 2012 initiative, this launch suggests that it is sticking to its guns.
Whatever your opinion of the work, few would dispute it is a brave example of innovative sponsorship activation that reaches far beyond logo, packaging prize giveaways and awareness via association.
Perhaps the statistics are finally suggesting that the bravery is paying off.
Creme Egg App:
Creme Egg Website:
McFly Viral:
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