
Coca-Cola France Festive #Noël2Étoiles Spot Mocks England Fan With Two Star Xmas Tree Decoration

Coca-Cola France mocks English football fans with a festive holiday campaign that acts as a tribute to the victorious French National Football Team.


To celebrate Christmas and to pay tribute to the team that brought the FIFA World Cup home from Russia, Coca-Cola France – which sponsors the FFF (Fédération Française de Football) – has produced a special Christmas tree topper decoration.


A golden Coke bottle based tree decoration that replaces the traditional single star of Bethlehem with two stars to represent France’s second World Cup win,


The celebratory tree decoration, which is actually available as a gift from the Coca-Cola store, is the central concept of a new commercial.


The spot starts with a happy England football fan unwrapping a new tree top decoration to go where the traditional fairy or star typically is placed.


He the supporter places the two-starred gold coke bottle atop the tree, one star drops off – to drive home the message that England has only won the World Cup once and the team’s shirts carry just the single star while France players now proudly wear two.


The camera than pans around to a framed poster on the wall which reads: “It’s not coming home.”



The copy accompanying the spot translates as: “A #Christmas2Stars is only for the World Champions – Sorry England. Coca-Cola wishes all world champions a merry #Noël2Étoiles.


The spot is running on French television and is amplified across all the usual digital and social channels.



French fans can get their very own ‘Two Star Cementle’ by visiting www.cocacolastore.fr. Between 26 November and 17 December and can enter a draw to win one of 400 decorations through a random draw.


The ad was created by the Herezie Group agency for Coca-Cola France brand managers Nathalie Masse, Suvit Yeung and Timothee Camps.


The agency team included CEO Andrea Stillacci, ECD Baptiste Clinet, ACD Paul Marty, creatives Raphael Sold and Natan Ritaly, account managers Dimitri Boudnikoff, Alexis Bertino and Salome Cohen, plus head of TV Barbara Vaira.


Post production was run by Sveva Rossino and the production and post-production company was Sovage, with the ad directed by Hafid F Benamar.


The ad is set to “Holidays Are Coming” by the Kingdom Choir (featuring Namika & Camelia Jordana and the sound company was Diner Au Motel.




Well, obviously it’s brilliant for any country to win the World Cup and they should rightly celebrate – but does this feel a touch too unsporting?


Mind you, it’s the English who started all the Brexit mess, so perhaps we can understand that the French are feeling particularly charitable or sporting to those across the channel.













Herezie Group



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