
Adidas Teamwork Display Launches British Lions Kit

To celebrate the 125th anniversary of the British & Irish Lions rugby shirt, equipment partner adidas emphasised partnership and teamwork when it challenged rugby fans to ‘Stand Together’ at its innovative kit launch display.

Bringing the brand’s umbrella ‘We’re All In’ big idea to life, adidas’ giant physical display placed a set of new Lions rugby shirts just out of reach above head height for any one person, but within reach for those who worked together by climbing on one another’s shoulders.

The German sportswear giant erected the massive display just outside England’s Twickenham stadium in such as way that encouraged fans to work together if they wanted to get a free Lions jersey. So rugby supporters could only reach and grab if they were lifted aloft by the friends, or if they climbed onto someone else’s shoulders.

Inevitably, following the established principle of ‘if you’re do it, then film it’, the stunt was turned into a short online film and seeded on YouTube.

The film was also hosted on adidas’ rugby Facebook page and website which also promoted the new launch. Indeed, its Facebook-led ‘Stand Together’ campaign also included a fan competition. The main prize was a trip to Australia to watch the Lions on tour. There was also press and PR support for the launch.

As the official kit sponsor of the British & Irish Lions, adidas was launching of the team’s new uniforms before England took on New Zealand in December. This was shortly before the start of the Northern Hemisphere’s flagship annual Six Nations tournament to leverage interest in the sport ahead of the 2013 British Lions tour of Australia which runs from early June through to July 2013.



The stunt was a fun and meaningful way for the brand to generate pre-tour excitement, and buzz around the new kit launch and leverage some of teamwork principles of rugby and of adidas to create a fun experience for fans and giving them something to take away.


YouTube Launch Film


Adidas Rugby Facebook


Lions Website


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