
Hurlingham Polo’s EU Health & Safety Polo Ball Spoof

Hurlingham Polo are campaiagning against new EU health and safety legislation deeming polo balls as being ‘dangerously hard and a risk to public safety’.


According to the meddling, Brussels based bossy pen-pushers, from today onwards ‘arena balls’ will need to be used for all polo amtaches.


This Twitter-based April Fool’s funny sees HPA appeal against the ruling on the grounds of it being #health&safetygonemad.





Does anyone actually know what a polo ball is made of, or how hard it actually is?


Well, for those wondering, the outdoor polo ball is actually made of a high-impact plastic, but was formerly made of either bamboo or willow root.


Considering the clichéd profile of the polo-loving fraternity, this anti-EU spoof could be seen as a quasi political campaign with the General Election just a month away.


UKIP will be delighted!




Hurlingham Polo Association:




Hurlingham Polo Association Website



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