
It’s A 10 Hair’s Comic (Yet Political) ‘Four Years’ Commercial Is The Super Bowl’s Sleeper Hit Spot

Blending politics and humorous charm, the ‘Four Years’ Super Bowl spot from health and beauty brand ‘A 10 Hair’ was the sleeper hit of this year’s Big Game.


The ad mocks Donald Trump’s implausibly bad hair – thus leveraging the millions of jokes being made about the President’s ridiculous ‘barnet’, as well as this last week’s news story around his former hair doctor revealing his hair growth drug regime.


The 30-second spot, developed with agency Havas Edge, was neither pre-released nor heavily teased – ensuring when it debuted on air during the game it was both fresh and funny.


The commercial begins with a voiceover stating: ‘America, we are in for at least four years of awful hair. So it’s up to you to do your part by making up for it with great hair. Your own style of hair. Hair you love. Perfectly imperfect hair. It’s A 10 hair.’


The copy is paired with the stylishly silly and striking black and white images of people with hilarious haircuts and daft dos.



As well as being simultaneously posted on YouTube to coincide with its in-game broadcast debut,, the ad was also amplified across some of its social channels such as Twitter and Facebook.




Although interestingly not on its Instagram or Pinterest platforms or on its website either.


An immediate smash hit online, the spot is being hailed by brands and fans alike as the Big Game’s best ad.




Activative Comment:


The Big Game’s biggest surprise!


It certainly doesn’t fit neatly with the brand’s previous ad creative heritage.


But it is, surely, the funniest of all the 2017 Super Bowl’s comic commercials!


The brand was also clearly delighted to be recognised as one of the Big Game’s best spots





It’s A 10 Hair








Havas Edge




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