
Meat And Live Stock ‘Australian Lamb’ OOH Stunt & Social Post Leverages Djokovic AO Deportation Drama

At the start of the 2022 Australian Open (AO), The Meat And Live Stock Association (MLA) promoted Australian lamb by leveraging the Novak Djokovic saga in true Aussie guerrilla marketing style by mocking the deportation of the world’s men’s number one tennis player.

Leveraging national interest and drama around Novak Djokovic’s visa application, court cases and subsequent deportation, a swift OOH stunt amplified through a simple social media post saw Australian Lamb have a rack at the unvaccinated player.

The MLA’s ‘Australian Lamb’ AO ad was developed in harness with agency The Monkeys.

Making the most of spiking interest in the seemingly never-ending Djokovic drama, on Tuesday 18 January Meat Live Stock Australia debuted a mobile billboard that read: “Everyone’s welcome at our BBQ. Not Djoking.”

The mobile billboard was unveiled at and driven around the Melbourne Park home of the Australian Open.


One thing we can all count on from Australians is take the piss without being overly mean-spirited and this is yet another marketing example of how using good old fashioned Aussie humour linked to a hot topic can send an ad viral.

Meat Live Stock Australia’s ads are typically fun and we are happy to salute and showcase a low latency, quick event response spot that blends topicality with effectiveness and this one actually made us feel like a lamb chop.

This outdoor stunt and social post even dovetailed neatly with the 09 January launch of the MLSA’s annual summer lamb 6-week integrated campaign which was built on the existing ‘Share The Lamb’ brand platform and which reflects upon how Australia has become isolated from the rest of the world due to strict international border closures during the pandemic.

It was led by a long form online video and TV spot called ‘The Lost Country Of The Pacific’.

“While the news changes each day, the one constant is that lamb and laughter are great unifiers, and we can be resilient together while enjoying a tasty lamb barbecue,” said Domestic market manager at Meat & Livestock Australia Graeme Yardy who added that the Australian Lamb summer campaign has a history of tongue-in-cheek and topical humour. “Throughout the six week campaign, we are always looking to keep the campaign fresh and topical, so you can expect some more interesting content during the next few weeks.”

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