
Moet Film/Poll Twins US Open & Federer Sponsorships

Moët & Chandon combines its brand ambassador deal with Roger Federer with its sponsorship of the US Open in a new multichannel campaign continuing its 270th anniversary celebrations.


The wine maker, which is the official champagne partner of the biggest US tennis tournament, is rolling out a campaign that spans traditional advertisements and hospitality-driven events (including a bespoke branded space at the US Open called the (Moët & Chandon Terrace) with social media work.


Moët & Chandon activations range from its own branded elite throwing tennis matches and social events in New York, to engaging via Facebook.


In late August, in the lead up to the US Open, Moët held a social media poll and competition by asking consumers to vote for their favourite Federer photograph from a series taken by photographer Patrick Dermarchelier.


Participants were incentivised to vote by the offer of a chance to win a signed copy of the picture and winning images were used as an ad campaign.


It also rolled out an exclusive making-of online video exploring the set-up of Dermarchelier’s Federer photo shoot.


Each scene of the film features a different image from the photo series: from depicting Federer posing and playing tennis, plus plenty of product placement with close-ups of Moët & Chandon stemware, champagne crates and bottles.


Although, somewhat incongruously, it all takes place on a French Open style ‘clay court’ rather than a US Open style ‘hard court’.



This video was posted on the brand’s Facebook page.


The champagne brand also used Facebook to promote its own tennis match in which Federer’s opponent was an unnamed famous tennis star and Moët’s campaign challenged followers to guess who the mystery opponent may be.


The brand continued this challenge on Twitter using the hashtag #Moet270.




By twinning its two key tennis partnerships it aims to further drive brand recognition and tennis relevancy.


Moët & Chandon first announced Federer as a brand ambassador in late 2012. He was chosen for his sense of style, long term excellence and as an authentic personality.


He is also positioned as living the embodiment of the elegant style of success that lies at the heart of Moët & Chandon brand.


But whether a signed photo is a powerful enough incentive to drive participation amongst the usual Moët consumer segment more used to exclusive, unique experiences is open to question.




Moët & Chandon Federer Film



Moët & Chandon Facebook



US Open Sponsor Website



US Open Website



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