
Peloton ‘His/Hers’ Holiday Campaign Offers Duelling Gender Gifting Views (& 2 Queen Cover Versions)

Peloton, the socially linked spin bike brand disrupting the fitness industry, launched a ‘his’ and ‘hers’ holiday campaign with twin spots offering alternative gender perspectives on holiday gifting.

The two commercials each come with a different cover of Queen’s ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’ – one from Meghan Trainor and the other by Brett Eldredge.

This twin commercial campaign, the biggest marketing initiative thus far from Peloton, sees it not just aim to show that consumers are excited to be gifted a Peloton bike but also that more than one member of a household is likely use it.

The commercials are amplified across the usual online platforms – such as Twitter.

On television, there are times when the media buy will see the spots shown back to back, or in the same ad break or segment: such as bookending an NFL game.

The holiday campaign is fully integrated and is supported by a shorter holiday specific video.

The initiative, developed in harness with creative shop Mekanism, while Horizon Media handled the media strategy and buying.

After its initial wave of product education focused work, Peloton’s latest work extends its original narrative creative story whilst also showing the love spouses can each have for the Peloton bike (even though just one of them is receiving it as a Christmas gift).

“If you think about Peloton over the last few years, we started tracking awareness two and a half years ago, and we were at zero percent. We created a category, so we really needed to explain what Peloton was through our advertising and now we are at 50%,” explained Peloton’s brand marketing SVP Carolyn Tisch Blodgett.

“We’re at a point where the majority of people know what Peloton is, but now we need to take them one step further. One of the challenges at this time of year, the holidays, nobody thinks about gifting exercise equipment as a holiday gift. You think about gifting somebody a diet or giving somebody a Thighmaster, you would never do that as a holiday gift. Where we are now, we hear from our members, that people are actually asking for this as a gift.”

“Having two different spots is definitely new for us and a shift in strategy,” Tisch Blodgett said. “


This interesting tactical twin spot approach offers a fresh tactical twist as Peloton begins to mature as a brand.

It certainly both creatively continues and strategically builds on from the brand’s ‘On To The Next’ summer marketing push (see case study).

We also appreciated that music, which plays a major role in the spin experience, is also playing a key role in the advertising too.











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