
US National Golf Foundation Roll Out Integrated Tv & Print ‘Welcome2Golf’ Campaign

August saw the debut of a new campaign from The National Golf Foundation, called ‘welcome2Golf’, which sets out to bring new golfers to the game.


The marketing push, the first-ever advertising campaign from the foundation, is based around less well known guilty golf pleasures in contrast to the traditional associations and ideas associated with the sport.


The creative, which pokes fun at the stereotypes and clichés around the game and mocks argyle sweaters and plus-fours, targets an assortment of new demographic segments ranging from day drinkers, rec-league athletes, stoners, hipsters and women.


The primarily print and TV campaign, which was created by agency TDA_Boulder, was spearheaded by two television commercials




supported by a set of print executions including ads called ‘The Stoners’, ‘The Hipsters’ and ‘The Women’.




Another campaign in a long list of initiatives aimed at changing the positioning, reputation and image of the sport and aimed at attracting new golfers from different backgrounds, age groups and more women.


Some of these initiatives have been admirable, but how many of them have had a grass roots effect?




The National Golf Foundation



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