
Water Aid’s Glasto ‘View Loo’ Fronts Tap & Toilet ‘Make It Happen’ Campaign

Toilets are a pretty big topic at Glastonbury and 2015 saw charity WaterAid construct a ‘loo with a view’ as a fulcrum of its festival-led campaign – called #MakeItHappen – to highlight the plight of the 2.5 billion people in the world who do not have a private toilet

Whilst certainly a useful and pleasant utility for festivalgoers, the NGO’s ‘loo with a view’ acted as a focal point for a campaign that aims to collect 40,000 signatures to pressure the government for action.

The wider objective behind 2015’s #MakeItHappen aims to get toilets and taps ‘to the top of the global agenda’ and it aims to involve music lovers directly in the initiative in order to ‘help make it happen’.

The core aim at this year’s festival is to get 40,000 music lovers to sign the petition to enable the charity to show world leaders how these basic services can transform lives and why its umbrella objective of a dedicated ‘Sustainable Development Goal’ on water and sanitation is essential to end water poverty by 2030.

The initiative is hubbed around a Water Aid Glastonbury website at http://www.wateraid.org/uk/get-involved/events/glastonbury.

It is also promoted via a digital spot that, appropriately for a music festival, is a creative partnership with On the Corner Records (https://onthecornerrecords.bandcamp.com) and musicians iZem and Segun Akano (https://soundcloud.com/search?q=iZem%…)

The campaign is also promoted across its social media channels (and is being backed by Glastonbury farmer Eavis himself) including Twitter,


We believe it’s possible to reach everyone, everywhere with taps and toilets by 2030. Change won’t happen on its own….

Posted by WaterAid on Tuesday, June 23, 2015

and Instagram.


Marketers might call this an ‘ambient utility’, but we prefer to describe it as ‘weeing and seeing’!

Water Aid is one of a triumvirate of ‘main charities’ – along with Oxfam and Greenpeace – that sit at the very heart of the world famous Worthy Farm festival,

It was back in 1994 that a local rotary group first talked to festival supremo Michael Eavis about WaterAid

Its activation programme also includes everything from reusable water bottles and a branded space, to on-site volunteering teams, branded performances, music partnerships and connected off-site digital activity.

The partnership is one of the chairty’s highest profile platforms to promote (and work towards) its vision of ‘a world where everyone, everywhere has clean water & sanitation by 2030’.

Is yours? Tweets from the Digital team, who are here Mon-Fri 10-6 GMT.



Water Aid ‘Make It Happen’ Website:


Water Aid ‘At Glastonbury’ Website:


Water Aid Website:


Water Aid YouTube:


Water Aid Twitter:



Water Aid Facebook:


Water Aid Instagram:


Glastonbury Website:


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